Mindscape Elements for Silverlight

Mindscape Elements for Silverlight includes a number of controls for building applications on Microsoft’s Silverlight platform. Controls include:

Silverlight Elements also includes an extensive charting subsystem for charting and data visualisation.

In the trial edition of Silverlight Elements, the Book, CoverFlow and Expander controls are fully functional and you may use and deploy them for free. Other controls are for evaluation only and you must upgrade to the retail edition if you want to use them in an application.


Silverlight Elements requires Silverlight 4.

Some features of Silverlight Elements depend on non-core Silverlight components such as the Silverlight Toolkit. In particular, the MulticolumnTreeView control requires the System.Windows.Controls.Toolkit DLL from the April 2010 Silverlight Toolkit. This can be obtained from CodePlex or is included in the Silverlight Elements installation directory.